The Scribblenauts Nintendo DS game is impressive. It allows you to type words, and have the objects you type appear in the game. The purpose is to solve various puzzles and challenges using the objects. If you're like most players, you'll want to stump the game. The challenge of finding a word the game doesn't recognize is almost as much fun as actually playing.
The Vocabulary Test
I decided to put the game to the test. Armed with a dictionary and an encyclopedia, I sat out to conquer Scribblenauts. The only off-limit words were copyrighted terms and obscenities. Want to know the results? Look no further than the list below. Each word I typed is listed along with what happened upon typing the word.
Forest - Sure enough, three pine trees atop a patch of grass appeared onscreen. I called in a woodpecker out of curiosity. Instead of climbing into the trees, the woodpecker ate the entire forest. Griffon - The game's creators are obviously familiar with legendary creatures. A griffon is a creature with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. Long ago the creature was a symbol of divine power. Maybe he was once divine, but he attacked the other characters as soon as he appeared onscreen. Zeus - Surprise! Zeus is in the game. He used his godly powers to smite the griffon. In fact, he turned the griffon into a tasty dinner worthy of any Thanksgiving feast. Pilgrim - This little guy came straight from the Mayflower to participate in the first Thanksgiving dinner. In other words, he ate the griffin. Kleptomaniac - Keep this character away from valuables. Not only does he steal, but he attacks other characters. Want to get rid of the klepto? Plop a policeman into the game and see what happens. The poor kleptomaniac catches bullets with his teeth - and he's not Superman. Disco - I was surprised this worked. It spawned an actual disco club. None of the characters would enter the building. However, a DJ did jump out of it. Achilles Tendon - I typed this one in honor of my over-worked and aching heels. The tendon did appear in the game, but I have no idea about its purpose.
Scribblenauts Nintendo DS - Does the Game Pass the Impossible 7-Word Challenge?Related : เกม