วันศุกร์ที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Soccer Drills - Two Advanced Drills to Improve Your Soccer Game

After practicing some basic drills and having an understanding of the game incorporate more advanced drills into a practice. Here are two advanced drills to help with game situations.

Power and Finesse. - This drill will stress using both feet for a power, and finesse shot. Finesse shots should be soft, accurate, and well placed. Power shots should be hard, accurate, and well placed.
Start by having a group of players form two lines outside the eighteen box. One line five feet to the left of the half circle and the other five feet right of the half circle.
Each player will be taking two shots. One at the eighteen box and one at the six box. If a player makes one of the two shots they go to the end of their line. If a player makes both shots they challenge another player from the other team, and that player must make both shot or they are out.
If a player misses both they are out of the drill. Have two passers on either side of the goal with a pile of balls. The passers make two passes per player.


Juggling - This drill will focus on soft touches resulting in better ball control. Start with a soccer ball in hand, and drop it to your feet. With both feet try to keep it from touching the ground as long as possible. In order to do accomplish this lightly kick the ball upwards. Slant your foot to the sky, and make contact with the laces of your foot. Keep the ball below the waist. Kick the ball with a light upward snap of the foot.

Soccer Drills - Two Advanced Drills to Improve Your Soccer Game

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