วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Game Testing at Home - Can You Get Extra Money by Getting Paid to Test Video Games From Home?

Can you really get paid by doing game testing at home? By reading every word of this article you will find out whether or not you will be able to get paid from game testing at home. A lot of people feel that there is a lot of questions that still needs to be answered when it comes to getting paid from testing games at home. Some gamers wonder why companies would pay ordinary gamers to test games.

And others wonder if they would actually pay gamers to test video games at home. As you know, the gaming industry is a popular industry. In fact it is a billion a year industry that you should be getting a share of the pie. Normally companies like Nintendo, acclaim and ea would have programmers test their games for them.


But this gets to be very expensive because of the long over time hours they have to pay them for not only programming the games, but also testing the games as well. To save money, major companies have looked to gamers to test games for them. And don't worry, gamers also get paid well for testing video games from home.

But the challenge is actually getting hired for game testing at home. Most simply submit applications and then wait to get a call back. Pretty soon weeks go by and then months begin to drag. NO phone call, no email, no nothing. The reason why is major gaming companies are looking for certain traits and qualities in the gamers they decided to hire to get paid for game testing at home.

But thankfully, the exact things companies are looking for are all outlined in guidelines which make getting hired and paid for game testing from home rather easy. It's much better to have exactly what you need to get hired on the spot than to waste time submitting applications that get nowhere. I know you are going to want to use the guides to your advantage to get paid to test video games from home for a living or to make some extra money on the side.

Game Testing at Home - Can You Get Extra Money by Getting Paid to Test Video Games From Home?

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